Welcome to the alternative Focolare website.
This part of the website is under construction. Please
come back again soon. This is the place on the web for people who
are contemplating to become a member of the Focolare or Gen movement.
We try to give you independent information about
the Focolare and provide you with valuable information and
opinions that can help you to understand focolare better.
Focolare.nu is
working together with
Note: This is
not the official Focolare
website. The information on our website reflects the personal views and
opinions of the webmasters and the visitors of this website. We thank everybody
for the many encouraging reactions. Please feel free to write to us; we
have taken every possible precaution to guarantee your privacy and confidentiality.
 The main goal of this website is to help
people. We try to do this in 3 ways:
- Information and
counselling for people who are part of the Focolare or Gen movement
- Understanding
and friendship for people who left the Focolare
- Information for new members or people
who think about joining focolare
website does not repeat the information of the official Focolare website. We
give our own thoughts and impressions, independent from the focolare

Quotes from people who wrote
to us
All people to whom young people turn in their quest, should feel their deep
responsibility to offer their best life experience, but *never* make the young
ones dependent on themselves or on any ideology - instead youngsters should be
encouraged to think by themselves and look for their own conclusions and
deductions, even somehow "pushed" to walk by themselves.
It has been a few weeks ago that I came
across this wonderful website. Really, you guys are doing an great job.
You show another side of the focolare that has not been revealed by other
sources, only by Gordon Urquhart’s excellent book.
When I mailed my thoughts to the webmaster
(Lionello) I got very good response and now I have contact with other people
who have been involved in the movement. This is a great help. I’d like
to thank everybody who has made this possible. If anybody is out there
not knowing what to think of this website, I can only say, don’t hesitate
but contact the webmaster. Share your ideas and you will see how life after focolare can also be good.
We all have the love of God in our hearts,
nothing can change that. But we are not made to be alone. For me, it has
been good to find new friends here who respect me, trust me, without trying
to influence or manipulate me. Special thanks to a unique person in the web team
who went through a great deal of trouble to make me understand
things better.
October 2003
A few of my best friends are living in
a focolare, some of them even because at one time I have introduced them
to the movement. Now I feel very sorry for them
because they have lost all their privacy in order to live their Ideal of
God-Love. I know it is their own free choice to do so, but I cannot understand
why everybody has to pay such a high price for wanting to live the Word
of God.
Chiara takes the Gospel very literally,
which is a great strength, but not everyone is as strong as she is. Many
people break down under the pressure of living in a
glass cage. I appeal to Chiara and all the leaders to ease down a little,
be more open minded and allow some privacy to the members
of the Focolari.
In the end this openness will help to keep
the Ideal alive. Think about it and you will see it is the decent thing
to do.

June 2003
Is there a happy life after focolare?
It certainly is but you have to find
some solutions. If you know somebody from your region who has left try
to spend time together and try to talk talk talk; you will be so amazed
at what the other says, that he struggled with exactly the same things
as you did.
I did the same I went for a walk with somebody
I had know for a very long time; now for the first time I met her
as she was; she had struggled with the same things but never ever we would
have talked about that in our focolare period because then you would be
out of the supernatural.
dear friends we consist of a natural
and supernatural part and should take care of both. As you will have
all of your former focolare friends why not go on holiday together. Try
to remember what you liked as a hobby before you entered focolare and
it up again. If you hurt too much go and seek help with a psychiater
you don't have money ask focolare if you have given your superfluous
insist on it that you need it. Be patient with yourself, in time you
find new friends, hobbies and a new aim in life.
Take courage
Focolare presence in the world, more than
a little seed....
1. Why is there no democratic leadership in the focolare movement?
2. Why does the Focolare organization keep
all their financial dealings as secretly as possible?
3. Why do many Focolare people have expensive
cars and beautiful houses?
4. Is it true that Focolare recruits from
people in vulnerable situations like young children and people who are
having a difficult period in life?
Legal actions
In a recent verdict
the Dutch High Court has prevented a focolarino to receive a tax-reduction.
The Court ruled that a member of the Focolare is bound to give all his
belongings and money to the Movement. This makes it impossible for him
to use the same money claiming it is a free gift and receive a tax-deduction.
In our opinion this
case proves once again that money is a most important issue for the Focolare
people. Fortunately there are some officials yet who can see clearly what
is right and what is just too much. For those of you who want to know every
detail we put in the link:
Further news:
In our last count
it turned out the international Focolare website has 800 web-pages now.
They are overwhelming the net as well as the real world, with more drive
than any international commercial company. It seems that those who run
the organization these days have gone a long way from the humble beginning
without a clear goal, like Chiara at the start of the movement, some 60
years ago.
Question of
the week by Lionello from Florence, Italy:
What is the deception
you are talking about?
There is deception in very
many ways. To clarify this, we can point at the book A woman's work
written by Jimmy Gallager in 1997. Let us give you a few examples.
Even the title of Jimmy s
book is deceptive, stating it is about a woman's work while suggesting
this is Chiara Lubich. All through the book it is being stated that it
is not Chiara s doing but the work of Mary and the finger of God. This
contradiction makes the book confusing from the very start. The
terminology of the focolare organization is also very deceptive.
Everything is called new, New City, New Generation, New Families, while
in fact the thoughts are as old and conservative as any other catholic
organization. Chiara receives many letters from the Pope and visits him
on a regular basis. She has also close ties to the Vatican and Italian
establishment. She receives numerous doctorates of honour but all from
conservative universities like Poland, Philippines and even Taiwan.
There is as much new in this as there was democracy in the former
Deutsche Demokratische Republik.
The other great deception
is the fact that Chiara keeps telling us that she had no plan in mind
for a movement, she only wanted to follow God. This makes life hard for
those people who want to object to the movement or the methods that are
being used because God himself has started the movement while Chiara
only wanted to follow Jesus. This statement is greatly contradicted by
other statements like Jimmy Gallagers remark that Anna Fratta spent 30
years of her life in countries of the Communist Bloc in order to implant
the movement secretly there. Chiara also send her best friend Natalia to
live in Berlin in 1960, just before the Wall was erected. In 1961 Enzo
Fondi and Guisseppe Santache were also send to Leipzig, all in order to
start the movement in the Communist Bloc.
